Category: Uncategorized

Caner of the stomach, 102 cases
Stomach cancer tissue array, 102 cases of normal-benign (5 cases) and cancer (97 cases with grading and TNM staging data) tissues. Cases: 102 Cores: 102 Core size: 1.5mm Core thickness: 4um Format: 8 x 13 QA/QC: H&E, IHC anti-cytokeratin All tissues were fixed in 10% neutral buffered formalin for 24 hours and processed using identical […]

Cancer of the ovary, 102 cases
This is a retrospective study that includes 102 case records of female patients presenting with epithelial ovarian carcinoma. Survival, as in the other series, depended on the stage of cancer at the time of diagnosis, with the mean survival rates being 77.1, 57.7, 26.6, and 19.3 for stages I, II, III, and IV, respectively. However, […]

FDA Standard Frozen Tissue Array – Human Adult Normal
This FDA standard frozen tissue matrix is designed in accordance with the published Guidance for Submission of Immunohistochemical Applications to the FDA. Each FDA standard frozen tissue matrix pack has two or four slides containing 30 different types of normal human tissue and 3 donors per tissue type. This product is designed for research use […]